Payment and delivery
Payment methods
Credi card
For the security of your payments, we use secure Mercanet BNP services. According to the requirements of your bank you will be asked for a code. Often this code is sent via SMS. Verify that you have the mobile phone that was registered on your bank account. Your bank data will be encrypted during the transaction and we do not have knowledge of it. Your bank data will never pass through our server.
If you meet any problem with your payment contact us : +33 (0) 1 41 38 26 62
You can also use Paypal even if you do not have a Paypal account. You do not have to create an account for this purpose. You will then choose the option "without registration"
Amazon pay
You can now use Amazon Play. If you have an Amazon account, you can make your purchases in only one click without having to enter your bank details or your address.
Bank transfert
You can pay by bank transfer within 8 days of your order. The account number will be displayed when you will place an order. Attention your order will be shipped only after receipt of your payment on our bank account
Delivery methods
All orders placed and validated:
- Before 1 pm (12 pm UK & Ireland hour) from Monday to Friday is shipped the same evening
- After 1 pm (12 pm UK & Ireland hour) is dispatched the next day from Monday to Thursday
- After 1pm (12 pm UK & Ireland hour) on Friday is shipped on Monday
Please note: you can estimate your shipping costs before ordering by going to "my cart"
Brexit Informations
To learn more, visit our information page about the brexit by clicking-here
For a delivery outside of France
For any other country please contact us : +33 (0) 1 41 38 26 62
Delivery time after shipment COLISSIMO: 3 to 8 days
United Kingdom
0 - 5 kg - 15€
5 - 6 kg - 18€
6 - 7 kg - 19€
7 - 8 kg - 20€
8 - 9 kg - 21€
9 - 10 kg - 21.5€
10 - 15 kg - 24€
15 - 20 kg - 28€
20 - 25 kg - 32€
25 - 30 kg - 37€
For a delivery in Metropolitan France and Belgium (DOM-TOM contact us)
Free delivery in Point Relay for orders over 50 €
Delivery time: 4 to 5 days after dispatch
Order less than 50 € : shipping costs of 3 €, delivery 4 to 5 days
Shipping : 5 €
Delivery in 48h to 72h, after dispatch to the indicated address (home, place of work ...)
Shipping : 10 €
Ordered before 1 pm, Monday to Friday, reception the next day before 1 pm
Ordered after 1pm. From Monday to Thursday, reception the day after before 1 pm
Ordered on Friday from 1 pm to Sunday, reception on Tuesday before 1 pm